28,000+ Alumni Associations bussiness listings and growing

Services by Alumni

Services by Alumni has over 28,000+ High Schools, Colleges, Business, Work & Military Alumni Groups currently within our system and that number is growing daily. You can add new Alumni Groups not found in our system at anytime.
  • High Schools
  • Colleges
  • Businesses & Company's
    (open or closed)
  • Current or Former work information
  • Military
  • Sports Teams
  • Civic Groups
  • Camps
  • Really any type of Group you want...
Facebook groups & Services by Alumni

Facebook Groups

Services by Alumni compliments the Alumni & Group Pages found on Facebook, by providing a method by which members or other "Alumni" can list their Business,Service or Work information.

This allows other members or " Alumni" to easily find a business or service they might need based on Alumni affiliation anywhere in the world today.

Who better to use or work with than the people you already know.

List your Service, Business  or Work information today with as many Alumni groups that you belong too.

The normal cost is $25 per year, because of the pandemic and to help businesses and services kick start the economy again we have reduced the listing cost by 80% for the remainder of 2025.

The new Special price is only $5.00 per year.

That's just 0.014¢ a day or 0.42¢ per month.

Start your listing today and you are guaranteed the $5.00 per year, per listing forever.

Alumni benefit from listing their business on Services by Alumni

Alumni Listing Benefits

  • People like to do business with people they know.
  • You do not need to own a business you can be employed by any business too.
  • Alumni can find other Alumni Business or Services within their own current Geographic Locations.
  • Alumni Listings help your Business/Services get greater Internet exposure.
  • Helps Alumni Businesses to increases Search Engine placement by providing a valuable SEO Back-Link.
  • Source of new clients for Alumni Businesses.
  • Alumni can direct business to other Alumni.
You're also helping an American owned small business during this difficult time too.

Helping each other is what it's all about.

Random Alumni Groups

University of Delaware Alumni Group
University of Delaware

Pennsylvania State University-Altoona Alumni Group
Pennsylvania State University-Altoona

Princeton University Alumni Group
Princeton University

Edmond Class of '65 Alumni Group
Edmond Class of '65